Presanctified Liturgy in Wexford

Weekly Orthodox Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be offered in Wexford during the Orthodox Great Fast (Lent).

St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church (Northside Pittsburgh) will hold Presanctified Liturgy every Wednesday from March 4 through April 8 during the Great Fast (Great Lent), beginning at 6:30 pm(PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE) at The Hampton Inn (2622 Wexford Bayne Road, Franklin Park, PA 15143 – 412-528-1901) as a part of its outreach efforts in the tri-county area. 

“Pre-Sanctified liturgy is unique to the Eastern Church in that the Eucharist is consecrated on the previous Sunday so that communicants can receive on a weekday evening to help strengthen them spiritually during the Great Fast,” said Father Dave Urban, pastor of St. John’s. “There is no service comparable in the Western Churches.”

The all are welcome to attend to experience this ancient Eastern liturgical practice.

“It’s solemn and reflective – a beautiful Lenten service,” Urban said.

For more information, please contact Father Dave at or 412-748-0148. 


"The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is a Byzantine Rite liturgical service on the weekdays of the Great Fast wherein communion is received from Gifts (the Body and Blood of Christ) that are sanctified (consecrated) in advance, hence its name...  The Presanctified is used on the weekdays of the Great Fast, a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer when the more frequent reception of communion is desirable; however, the full Divine Liturgy having a joyful character is not in keeping with the somberness of the season of repentance (Eucharist literally means "thanksgiving") and so the Presanctified is substituted."

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