Altar Servers
Altar servers (a.k.a. Altar boys or Acolytes) assist the clergy during services. They might carry the cross or candles in processions and entrances; maintain the censer, ensuring it has enough live charcoal, bringing it with the incense to the priest when required; preparing the hot water (zeon) in time for it to be added to the chalice at the Divine Liturgy; prepare the antidoron for the people to receive after Liturgy; and any other necessary tasks.
Upon reaching 8 years old, boys are invited to become Altar Boys. The boys serve at the Altar during all worship services. Service in the Holy Altar is a beautiful ministry of the Church which enriches not only the liturgical prayer of the boys involved, but also the whole community.
Altar servers need to be on time each Sunday and are encouraged to participate at the special services throughout the year.
Spiritual Father: Fr. Dave Urban
Director/Coordinator: Mr. Timothy Martin, Reader
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